Are Mosquitoes Active In The Winter?

mosquito on arm of person

Mosquitoes are cold-blooded creatures which means they prefer warmer temperatures. Mosquitoes function best in 80 degrees F and become lethargic at 60 degrees F. In temperate climates, like Louisiana, mosquitoes are active year round. Unfortunately, this means that mosquitoes don’t just disappear during the winter months.

As hard freezes arrive in South Louisiana, mosquitoes are less prevalent than during the warmer months. However, the highs hover in the 50’s and 60’s throughout our winter months, sustaining the mosquito population. The winter mosquitoes, known as Culiseta Inornata, are in our midst from late fall through the spring. They can survive the most dire weather conditions winter sends our way, and can survive a salinity level of up to 2.6%. Culex Restuans, like Culiseta Inornata, are a winter species of mosquitoes. These pests can survive in water ranging from almost clear to water that is excessively polluted. The eggs of warm weather mosquitoes do not perish in hard freeze conditions, so South Louisiana should not anticipate fewer mosquitoes in the spring and summer.

The biggest effect it might have on the eggs is that they might take longer to hatch.

Look around your property for standing water, such as in bird baths, dirty swimming pool water, saucers underneath potted plants, tire ruts, and drainage ditches, to name a few examples. Clear away any plant materials and standing water that can harbor mosquito eggs.

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