What You Need To Know About Yard Ticks & Fleas

tick on a blade of grass

They are small, they jump, they bite, and they are really some of the most irritating of pests for humans and pets…Ticks & Fleas. As summer settles in, everything starts to grow and blossom from the trees and the flowers to the ticks and the fleas. This means it is time to think about pest yard maintenance. Yard ticks and fleas pest control can be beneficial for homeowners and their pets.

What is The Difference Between Ticks and Fleas?

Ticks are arachnids (have 8 legs) and are closely related to spiders. Ticks are larger than fleas, measuring 1/8” to 1/4” in length. During each stage of their lifecycle, which can last anywhere between 3 weeks and 3 years, they move from host to host. Female ticks fall off of their host after feeding, lay thousands of eggs, then die. Then, the circle of life begins for the next generation.

Fleas, on the other hand, measure approximately 1/16” to 1/8” in length. Unlike ticks, fleas infest their hosts and hang on until they die. Fleas lay their eggs on their hosts after they’ve finished feeding, laying between 20 to 40 eggs over a period of several weeks before dying. The eggs piggyback on their hosts, hidden in the warmth of their coats. When the animal sheds, the eggs thrive where they land and can even hatch in your home.

How Do I Get Rid of The Ticks & Fleas

Terminix professionals are trained to provide high-quality tick and flea treatment solutions to help you avoid hosting these pests while enjoying your own backyard. To make sure ticks and fleas don’t come back, you will need regular inspections and treatments. If there are ticks or fleas on your property, or you want to keep them away, please contact us for a free quote. From there, Terminix pest control specialists can recommend a customized tick and flea control treatment plan.

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