Our Pest Control Blog
Curious about the types of pests that live in our region? Allow us to enlighten you with our in-depth knowledge regarding all things pest control. Check out some of our articles below!
Can mosquitoes last during the freezing temperatures? Find out if this is a myth or not.
Fleas and ticks could be in your yard without you even knowing. Learn the difference between a flea and tick, as well as how to get rid of them.
Have you ever found bed bugs in your cereal box? The good news is it may not be a bed bug.
In Louisiana, where the warm climate can make homes attractive to pests, bed bugs are a common issue, notorious for causing discomfort and distress. Here’s everything you need to know about bed bug bites, from identifying them to getting them to stop itching.
Are you curious which termites could be invading your home? Read more about the 5 termite species homeowners should be aware of.
Termites like wood, but will they bother your trees? Read more to find out!
Learn about how much damage termites can cause, and if you are in need of fumigation.
In Louisiana, the Winters can be mostly mild, so it begs the question on if mosquitoes are active during the cold.
Squirrels can seem innocent from far away, but in reality, they can create a lot of damage around your home.